The main homepage where students land after logging in. This page is designed to help users easily navigate to upcoming critique sessions and review previously received feedback. Additionally, it provides access to profiles, general course information, schedules, projects, and other critiques.
Option 1: The main feed displays live critiques, course information, and received feedback in a sequential order. The student profile is positioned on the right side of the screen.
Option 2: The student profile and the most recent project submission are placed at the top, with other course information displayed below. On the right, ongoing critiques are shown with detailed information about the participants. The critique sessions are organized based on the students' registered schedules.
Option 3: Similar to Option 2, but the right column only displays live critiques for courses that the student is registered in.
Option 4: The main feed displays courses instead of critique sessions, which might be easier for students since critiques are linked to the courses. The right side provides additional information such as profile details, schedule, projects, and more.
Option 5: As an educational platform, instead of focusing too much on the critique, this design keeps the platform general and adaptable to various educational activities beyond critique.
Critique Session
This page is shown when a user selects a specific critique session from the ‘Critique’ page. It provides basic information about the course and the project being critiqued, along with space for users to share feedback during the session.
Option 1: Brief critique information is provided at the top. Below, shared empty sticky notes are given for users to share feedback.
Option 2: A brief summary of the currently presented project is shown at the top. Below are sticky notes organized into three categories: successful aspects, areas needing improvement, and insights. This layout makes it easier for users to share feedback. Each section has a button to share the feedback to the collective board, which will be displayed after the presentation is completed.
Option 3: Similar to Option 2, but with the added ability to filter and navigate between the collective board and the feedback-sharing page during the presentation.
Option 4: Project information is displayed in the right column, while sticky notes for sharing feedback are provided in the center column.
Feedback Management
This page allows users to review the feedback they received once a critique is completed.
Option 1-1: This page appears when a user selects a sticky note to add specific notes or to archive it for later use. To the right of the sticky note, there is a section for users to type additional notes. Icons for deleting and archiving the note are displayed at the bottom, allowing users to manage it easily.
External Critique
On this page, users can upload their work presentations shared during critiques to an external community to receive feedback from non-designers. Students can also view other students' work uploaded on the page.
When uploading the work, users can request feedback from specific sectors, such as "engineers" or "social workers."
Option 1: The user's profile is displayed on the top along with their sector. Filters are available to provide various viewing options. Each thumbnail shows the project title, a brief summary, and the specific sector from which feedback is requested. In the top right corner, there is an option to upload the user's projects.
Option 2: Similar to Option 1, but with each project having its name and description written below the thumbnail. Additionally, the student profile at the top is removed.